生测结果表明 ,苦皮藤素乳油对小菜蛾敏感品系和采自田间的自然种群初孵幼虫有很高的毒力 ,其LC5 0 值分别为 0 .87mg/L和 0 .91 mg/L。生测结果还表明 ,苦皮藤素乳油对家蝇幼虫不敏感 ,在 1 0 mg/L浓度下 ,对其敏感品系、抗溴氰菊酯品系、抗辛硫磷品系幼虫的死亡率分别为 4 4.4 %、1 5.0 %、4 6.0 %。
The results of bioassay showed that celangulins had very high toxicity against the new hatched harvae of plutella xylostella susceptible strain and natural population cellected from crops field. The value of LC 50 was 0.87 mg/L and 0.91 mg/L respectively. The results also showed that celangulins had lower toxicity against the larvae of Musca domestica.To the susceptible strain, deltamelthrin resistant strain and phoxim resistant, strain the mortality was 44.4% , 15.0% and 46.0% respectively at a concentration of 10 mg/L .
Acta Agriculturae Boreali-occidentalis Sinica