B.Alspach在 1 989年给出了这样一个问题 [2 ] :对阶数为 2 m+1的 Walecki竞赛图计数。为了解决这个问题 ,本文引入了强拉丁方和强拉丁矩的概念 ,我们把 Alspach的计数问题变成了强拉丁方和强拉丁矩的计数问题。
B.Alspach gave a problem [2] in 1989: Enumerate the Walecki tournaments of order 2 m+1 . In order to solve this problem, this paper introduces the concepts of strong Latin square and strong Latin moment, and we change alspach′s enumerating problem into the enumerating problems of strong Latin square and strong Latin moment. We give two conjectures.
Journal of Nanjing Polytechnic College