三江平原是我国重要的商品粮食基地之一 ,经过 5 0年的开垦之后 ,需要进行产业结构调整 ,特别是加入世贸组织后要与世界农业接轨 ,结构调整势在必行。文章论述了三江平原进行农业产业结构调整的必要性、可行性 ,并提出进行结构调整的目的、内容。
Sanjiang Plain is one of the most important bases of commodity grain, after 50 years' cultivation, it needs industry framework adjusting, and this is necessary in order to joint with world agriculture. This article discusses the necessity and feasibility of Sanjiang Plain's agricultual industry framework adjustment, also it puts forward the aim and content of the framework adjustment.
Northern Economy and Trade