绿色产业即第四产业。它是一个以环境和发展“双赢”为目标的新兴产业群体 ,它由三类八项产业组成。绿色产业应该也有必要在产业划分中成为第四产业 ,它可以使产业形成良性循环 ,为绿色生产力发展、实现可持续发展和打破绿色壁垒奠定产业基础 ,它具有产品的特殊性和环保性、服务的公共性和公益性、效益的外在性和长期性、发展的艰巨性和复杂性四大特性。绿色产业 (第四产业 )的发展 ,有其客观必然性 (八点原因 ) ,也需若干对策 :理论创新的引导 ;经济政策的支持 ;法律法规的保障 ;统计评价的机制 ;国际之间的协作。
The green industry, that is the fourth industry, is a new industry group based on the winning of environment and development. The green industry, which is typical of environment protection, publicity of service and complexity of development, can be classified into the fourth industry. This classification can promote the better cycle of industries, lay a solid foundation for the development of green productive forces and realize the purpose of sustainable development. The development of the green industry needs the guidance of theoretical innovation, support of economic policies and guarantee of law system.
Productivity Research