中国加入WTO以后 ,《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》 (TRIPs)中有关知识产权侵权的规则将对我国知识产权侵权法律制度产生重要的影响。这种影响表现在侵权的归责原则、即发侵权理论引入立法 ,以及知识产权权利的范围等方面。通过对这些影响进行分析 ,并对其中在理论届争议很大的知识产权侵权的归责原则问题进行初步的剖析 。
TRIPS will have deep effects on Chinas tort law concerning intellectual propertyies after Chinas accession into the WTO. Such major effects lies in the areas of tort liability rules, immenent infringement and the objects of infringement of intellectual property. The author disagrees with some scholars who consider Trips tort liability rule to be strict liability rule and suggest it to be applied in Chinas intellectual property law. He proposes China adopt the doctrine of presumptive wrongs, as this doctrine is not in violation of of Trips and is in conformity with Chinas present economic level.
Journal of Huizhou University