通过对反射波法基本原理进行阐述 ,提出了利用多点反射回归解析获取桩体一些基本参数的数据处理方法及测试工作方法 ,例举了桩身长度L、桩体纵波速VP 及桩底面倾角θ可能出现异常的解释 ,并通过一工程实例对该方法进行例证。
The data treatment and measured technique by the use of multi-point reflected regress analysis to obtain a few of fundamental parameter are provided according to the basic principles of the reflected wave method, the explanations on the possible abnormity involving the length of pile body L, the longitudinal wave speed of pile body V p and subsurface angel of slope θ are illustrated, and this way is illustrated with an engineering case.
Guizhou Geology