This article analyses and studies, by mathematical inference,the effect on trist-ing results caueseci by careless use of U-test in the testing of hypothesis. It is pointed ous in the article that the value ol potential Junction in testing will necessarily change and the probability of making 1st and 2nd kind errors will be on the increase, and there is an effect on the confidence degree of forming interval estimation of population mean as well, when population variance taken by sampling is not equal to its real value in the process of testing of hypothesis on population mean. Therefore, in order to improve on testing results and reduce errors in production and engineering experiments, the poplation variance after altering new technology and engineering should be determined by deduction as correctly as it could be, and the routine of U-test cannot be applied mechanically in a simple and blind way. If it is difficult to determine by deduction the new population variance, then T-test could be applied to testing.
Journal of Gansu University of Technology
resting function, potential function,-probability, U-test, signifcance level, errors of 1st and 2nd kind