
红霉素作为毛细管区带电泳手性选择剂拆分两种联苯双酯类药物 被引量:4

Enantioseparation of Two Biphenyldicarboxylate Drugs with Capillary Zone Electrophoresis Using Erythromycin as Chiral Selector
摘要 首次使用大环内酯类抗生素红霉素作为毛细管电泳手性选择剂,采用未涂层石英毛细管分离了两种联苯双酯类保肝药物。实验考察了背景电解质中磷酸盐缓冲液的pH值及浓度、分离电压及温度、红霉素浓度、有机添加剂甲醇含量对手性分离的影响。实验结果表明,磷酸盐浓度为50mmol/L(pH5 0)、分离电压为-20kV、红霉素浓度为30mmol/L、甲醇的体积分数为50%是最佳分离条件。同时证明红霉素可以作为手性选择剂用于毛细管电泳手性分离中。 Erythromycin was for the first time used as a chiral selector for the enantioseparation of two biphenyldicarboxylate drugs in capillary electrophoresis (CE). The influences of pH and concentration of phosphate buffer solution, separation voltage, temperature, erythromycin concentration and methanol content were examined. Increasing the concentration of erythromycin led to successful optical resolution. The optimum separation of two biphenyldicarboxylate drug enantiomers was achieved in the background electrolyte of 50 mmol/L phosphate buffer (pH 50)methanol (50∶50 in volume ratio) containing 30 mmol/L erythromycin. Experiments showed that the erythromycin as chiral selector is useful for enantioseparation in CE. Erythromycin is basic and therefore is suitable for the enantioseparation of acidic compounds. Methanol addition was effective for the improvement of peak shape and resolution.
出处 《色谱》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第1期72-75,共4页 Chinese Journal of Chromatography
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(批准号:29775019) 西北师大科技创新项目(KJCX 01).
关键词 红霉素 手性选择剂 毛细管区带电泳 手性分离 联苯双酯类药物 erythromycin chiral selector capillary zone electrophoresis chiral separation biphenyldicarboxylate drug
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