北马庄 -黑龙庙地区位于南阳凹陷南部断超带 ,受古构造、古地理环境的控制 ,发育北马庄、黑龙庙两个水下冲积锥 ,为鼻状构造背景 ,处于生油中心 ,断层发育 ,为油气聚集提供了有利的储集场所 ,但储集物性差 ,埋藏较深 (2 40 0~ 3 2 0 0m) ,为典型的低孔低渗油藏。通过对该区砂体展布和储层储集特征、含油气性、构造特征等方面的深入研究 ,加深了对该区地质规律的认识 。
Beimazhuang-Heilongmiao area, located in the southern fault overlap zone in Nanyang depression, developed Beimazhuang and Heilongmiao subaqueous alluvial cones under the control of palaeostructure and palaeogeography. It was a nose-like structural setting and near oil generation center. The well-developed faults provided favorable reservoir conditions for hydrocarbon accumulation. It is a typical low porosity and low permeability reservoir with poor physical properties and deep burial depth (2,400-3,200m). Detailed studies on sandbody distribution, reservoir features, oil-bearing properties and structural features have deepened understanding of the geological patterns and formed a solid basis for further exploration potential tapping.
Henan Petroleum