目的 探讨中药光明液对大鼠实验性高眼压致视网膜缺血再灌注诱发视网膜损害的治疗作用。方法 3 2只SD大鼠随机分为光明液组、模型组、正常组和维生素E组。采用短暂升高大鼠前房压至 1 1 0mmHg制作视网膜缺血再灌注模型。光明液组用光明液灌胃治疗 7天 ,并与维生素E对照。其余组灌服等量蒸馏水。经光镜和电镜观察视网膜的改变并测定视网膜超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD)、丙二醛 (MDA)和一氧化氮 (NO)含量变化。结果 缺血 6 0分钟再灌注 48小时以上 ,光镜下可见视网膜视神经节细胞层 (retinaganglioncelllayer,RGCL)萎缩和内核层(innernuclearlayer,INL)细胞明显变薄 ;电镜下可见RGCL、INL层出现环核状核固缩及凋亡 ;SOD活力下降 ,MDA、NO含量上升。经光明液治疗后RGCL和INL形态学有明显改善 ,SOD活力提高 ,MDA和NO含量下降。
OBJECTIVE The purpose of this study is to investigate the experimental therapeutic action of the traditional Chinese medicine guangmingye(光明液)on retinal injury of rats induced by ischemia-reperfusion.METHODS Thirty-two SD rats are divided into four groups randomly: the traditional Chinese medicine group, the control group, the normal group and the vitamin E group. Increasing intraocular pressure to 110mmHg in rat eyes induces the ischemia-reperfusion model. The traditional Chinese medicine group is treated by guangmingye for 7 days and compared with vitamin E group. The experimental rats in other groups were fed with normal saline. Retina was observed by light microscope and electronic microscope. Content on SOD, MDA, and NO were determined in the retina of rats. RESULTS Ischemic have been persisted for 60 min reperfusion for 48h were performed. Histopathologic changes of the inner retina revealed markedly atrophic in retinal ganglion cell layer (RGCL) and thinning of the inner nuclear layer (INL)in the rat′s retinas. And electronic micrograph indicated the perinuclear condensation of nuclear and the formation of apoptosis in the RGCL and the INL. After treating with guangmingye, morphologic changes of RGCL and INL were significant improved. Activity of SOD is elevated, and the content of MDA and NO were reduced. CONCLUSION The guangmingye is an effective traditional Chinese medicine recipe to treat the diseases of retina ischemia.
China Journal of Chinese Ophthalmology
美国CMB资助项目(#98- 677)
国家教育部科学技术研究重点项目基金 (0 10 89)