

Optimum Diet Formula for Growing-Finishing Swine of 20~90kgs
摘要 本研究为筛选生长肥育猪日粮配方的单因子试验。以饲养试验为主,第二年进行重复试验验证,结合进行消化代谢和屠宰试验辅助评定日粮配方。用甘肃黑猪。两次饲养试验结果一致,再现性好,评出配方四为本试验最佳日粮配方。重复试验获:平均日增重592g,饲料报酬4.09,每千克增重盈利0.484元,试猪的屠宰率、眼肌面积、净肉率和大理石纹状肉质等指标均为上乘,蛋白质沉积率高。主干饲料为玉米、小麦麸、青稞和蚕豆。本试验低能蛋日粮重复饲养试验获:平均日增重478g,饲料报酬5.17,每kg增重盈利0.341元,瘦肉率较低,总饲养效果差。本试验高蛋白质日粮获:平均日增重547g,饲料报酬4.67,每kg增重盈利0.380元,屠宰率、胴体眼肌面积、瘦肉率、净肉率等指标亦低,肉质分析结果也未见佳,总饲养效果也不好. A single factor experiment of sieving feed prescription for growing-finishing swine was studied. The main method adopted was feeding test and assistant ones were digestion-metabolism trial and slaughter test. Duplicate test was conducted at next year. Gansu Black Swine was used. The same results were achieved between two feeding test and the prescription 4 was the optimun formula feed prescription sifted. The duplicate test of the prescription 4 displayed average daily gain of 592g, feed conversion efficiency of 4.09 and profit of 0.484 yuan/kg gain weight. Its indexes of dressing percentage, eye muscle area, net-meat percentage and marbling meat percentage were all good. The deposit percentage of crude protein was also high. The prescription was consisted mainly of corn, wheat bran, highland barley and broad bean. The duplicate test of the low energy-protein prescription displayed average daily gain of 478g,feed conversion efficiency of 5.17 and profit of 0.341 yuan/kg gain weight.Its feeding effects were the worst.The high protein prescription displayed average daily gain of 547g, feed conversion efficiency of 4.67 and profit of 0.380 yuan/kg gain weight and eye muscle area, lean-meat percentage and netmeat percentage were not high.The feeding effects of this prescription were also not good as expectation.
出处 《甘肃农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 1992年第1期34-41,共8页 Journal of Gansu Agricultural University
关键词 肥育 饲料 配方 growing-finishing swine feeding test duplicate test
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