目的 :研究长宁区食物中毒规律和趋势 ,探讨防制措施。方法 :对上海市长宁区 195 2年至 2 0 0 1年食物中毒资料按不同年代进行分布特征分类统计。结果 :5 0年来食物中毒发病率呈下降趋势 ;食物中毒多发于二、三季度 ;细菌性食物中毒占 3 0 .9% ;中毒食品动物性的占 5 6.9% ;中毒原因以交叉污染多见为 3 3 .6% ,其次为未烧透 19.6% ,隔餐未回烧 19.1% ;中毒责任单位主要分布于集体食堂为 62 .7% ,90年代以来饭店 ,盒饭公司引起的中毒明显上升。结论 :本市需继续开展食品卫生法规和卫生知识的宣传培训 ;逐步调整食品行业结构、布局、设施 ,加强自身管理 。
Objective:To study the regularity and tendency of food poisoning in Changning district and explore the preventive measures.Methods:The data on food poisoning in Changning district from 1952 to 2001 were collected and classified according to different distributing features.Results:In this period the incidence of food poisoning descened,most food poisoning occured in the 2nd or 3rd quarter,30 9% caused by bacteria. The animality food poisoning accounted for 56 9%.The food poisoning often caused by cross infection(33 6%).It mainly happened in public dining-rooms(62 7%).However,since 90s,food poisoning caused by restaurants and box meal company increased rapidly.Conclusions:We should continue to propagate and train food sanitation regulation and knowledge,gradually adjust the construction?distribution?facilities of food industry and strengthen self management.Preventive sanitary supervision should be strengthened.
Modern Preventive Medicine