目的 研究P波离散度 (Pwd)与房性心律失常的关系。方法 将 2 2 1例病人分为偶发房性心律失常组 ( 61例 ) ,阵发性房速、房扑组 ( 5 0例 ) ,阵发性房颤组 ( 42例 ) ,正常对照组 ( 68例 ) ;采用纸速 5 0mm/s的 12导同步心电图记录 ,测定最大P波时限 (Pmax) ,最小P波时限 (Pmin) ,二者差值为Pwd ;均作超声心动图检查 ,测量左心房内径 (LADd)。观察各组Pmax、Pmin、Pwd的变化情况及其与LADd的相关性。结果 ①偶发房性心律失常患者的Pmax、Pmin、Pwd与正常组无明显差异 ,而阵发性房速、房扑、房颤的Pwd、Pmay明显高于正常组与偶发房性心律失常者 (P <0 .0 0 1)。②Pmax、Pwd与LADd有良好的正相关 (P <0 .0 0 5和P <0 .0 5 ) ,而Pmin与LADd之间无相关性 (P >0 .0 5 )。结论 Pwd的增加。
Objective To study the relationship between atrial arrhythmia and P wave dispersion.Methods 221 cases were divided into four groups:occasional atrial premature group(n=61),paroxysmal atrial tachycardia and atrial flutter and group(n=50),atrial fibrillation group(n=42);and the control group without no atrial arrhythmia(n=68). The maximum P wave duration(Pmax),the minimum P wave duration(Pmin)and P wave dispersion(Pmax-Pmin) and left atrial diastolic diameter(LADd) were measured and calculated by 12-lead electrocardiogram with 50mm/s paper speed in each patients.Results ①Pmax?Pmin and Pwd had no difference between occasional atrial premature group and the control group.But in serious atrial arrhythmia groups,Pmax and Pwd were higher than those of the other groups.②There was a positive correlation between Pmax and Pwd and LADd.Conclusion Prolonged Pmax and increased Pwd may be used as a dependable index for prediction of serious atrial arrhythmia.
Sichuan Medical Journal