“Zeugm a”一词源于希腊语 Zeugnynai,汉语名称是轭式搭配 ,它是指一个词与两个或更多的词搭配 ,似乎很不协调 ,而正是这种不协调却达到了意想不到的效果。轭式搭配的表现形式和修辞特点非同一般 ,这种修辞格的运用 ,使句子精练、简洁、紧凑 ,句意生动形象、诙谐幽默、新颖别致、耐人寻味 ,具有独特的表现力。
Zeugma'originates from Greek,'zeugnynai'.It refers to the collocation of one word with two words or more,which seems to be unreasonable.But it is the unreasonableness that reaches an unexpected effect.The expressing form and rhetorical characteristic of English Zeugma is different from any others.Its use makes the sentence terse,tightly knit,vivid,humourous,novel and original,and has special expressivity.
Journal of Shanxi Radio & TV University