隐逸遁世是元散曲的主旋律 ,但元朝士子始终在骨子里没有背离儒家思想的精髓。通过对元代咏史散曲的分析 ,笔者认为元散曲承接着传统诗文不绝如缕的怀古之叹和咏史之音 ,散曲家们以忧国伤民、推崇悲剧性英雄、是非分明的精神为元散曲注入大气、坚实、厚实的养料。这部分散曲虽少 ,却是解读元散曲悲剧性的时代底蕴、审美内涵、精神意脉的关节所在。
To live in seclusion is the tune of Yuan non-dramatic songs, but in heart of Yuan intellectuals, there is no deviation from the quintessence of the Confucianists all along. By analysing Yuan non-dramatic songs of recalling antiquity and sound of singing of history that in the traditional poery. With the spriit of concerning about their country and people, of holding in esteem tragic heroes and of telling rights from wrongs, writers of Yuan non-dramatic songs pour substantial and abundant nourishment into their works though there are only a few such non-dramatic songs, they are undoubtedly the crucial point of understanding Yuan non-dramatic songs inside information of the times, aesthetic connotation and veins of spirit.
Journal of Qinghai Junior Teachers' College