在先秦诸子中 ,孔子最早对人性问题进行了明确、系统的探讨。从心理学角度来看 ,他的人性论首先看到了人的心理发展有着大致相近的自然基础 ;其次 ,强调了教育和环境对人的身心发展有决定作用 ;尤其重要的是 ,在性与习的关系上 ,孔子还认为学习或习染的结果会和性一样 ,能够成为机体的自然性能或机能。他的性三品之说则是对其性与习关系的进一步说明。
Confucius was the first one who had an explicit and systcmatic discussion on the theory of humanity among all the musters in pre-Qin days. From an angle of psychology, firstly, his theory saw the natural foundation of psychological development; secondly, it emphasizcd the decisive role of education and environment; what's more, with regard to the relationship between humanity and practice, it featured the result of learning and practice might become one's natural functions just like one's nature. His three categories of humanity was a further explanation on the relationship between humanity and practice.
Journal of Qinghai Junior Teachers' College