中国传统山水画在发展演变的过程中深受道学、玄学、佛学思想的影响。道家崇尚自然和玄学的“自然与道合一” ,以及禅学中的“心造万物”等思想 ,对中国山水画创作理论有着重要的影响 ,其突出表现是强调人与自然关系的亲和性。分析、研究这三者对中国山水画的影响 。
The traditional Chinese landscape painting in its development is greatTly influenced by Taoism, Metaphysics and Buddhism. Taoism advocates naturalness, the principle of Metaphysics unity of'nature and morals' and Buddhism's belief of everything evolves from heart' and the like. These influences contribute to helping shape the affinity between nature and human beings. An analysis and study of these influences on Chinese landscape painting is beneficial for us to reveal the essence of the aesthetic relationship between nature and human being.
Journal of Chenzhou Teachers College