中国古典园林与中国诗画文化一样 ,重写意、表现 ,创造意境 ,是一种立体的、可视的需加以体味的意境 ,是三维的中国画 ,立体化的山水诗。中国园林与中国文化的底蕴是相一致的 ,是其主体审美精神与物质材料“天人合一”的产物 ,在学理上迥然有别于西方园林。当然 ,这一美学特征是逐步形成的 。
Like the Chinese poetry and painting culture, the classical Chinese gardening stresses spiritual similarities, expression and the construction of the artistic conception. The classical Chinese gardening is a kind three-dimensional artistic conception that calls upon the audience's dynamic appreciation. The Chinese gardening is in accordance to the basic characteristics of Chinese culture and is the product of the unity of aesthetic spirit and material embedded in Chinese culture, which differs itself from the Western aesthetic perspective. And of course, such aesthetic characteristics are formed gradually and have a long history of their development.
Journal of Chenzhou Teachers College