吴汝纶是晚期桐城古文派的代表人物 ,他以“字字有本 ,篇篇成文”为原则修成的《深州风土记》 ,与旧志体例有所不同。该志“人谱”“金石”等篇中的史学研究方法 ,在今天仍有借鉴意义 ,且“人谱”为吴汝纶首创。《深州风土记》为清末名志 ,这一事实批驳了章学诚“文人不可与修志”的偏见。它对直隶及后来河北的不少名志起到了示范作用 。
Wu Ru-lun was a typical representative of the group of ancient Chinese prose in Tongcheng in its late period. He finished compiling Record of Shenzhou's Customs on the basis of 'every word having its origin, every writing being final draft', which was different from the old style of local chronicle. To some extent, there're much research methods about history in some articles, such as Family Tree, monument,that we can still make use of today. Family Tree was originated by Wu Ru-lun. Record of Shenzhou Customs was a famous local chronicle at the end of the Ching Dynasty, He refuted Zhang Xue-cheng's prejudice of literature scholars being unable to compile local chronicles. This chronicle served as an example of those following chronicles in Zhili and later in Hebei Province.His works had great influence.
Journal of Hengshui Normal College