知识经济时代的到来 ,国际间的激烈竞争 ,对传统教育观念提出了挑战。世界各国无不高度重视教育的改革 ,关注素质教育和国民素质的提高。在我国 ,自 2 0世纪 90年代以来 ,素质教育也引起党和国家的高度重视。然而 ,我国的教育 ,主要是基础教育 ,实施素质教育总体效果还不明显 ,“应试”教育还很有市场。因此 ,转变教育观念已成为全面推行素质教育的关键。我们需要新的教育观念 ,最基本的是 :育人为本 ,面向全体 ,终身学习 。
As the age of knowledge economy comes with fierce international competition,traditional education faces new challenges. Every country lays emphasis on educational reform and quality education and the improvement of national quality. In our country, since 1990s, quality education has been greatly emphasized by the country and the Party. However, our country's quality education, especially in secondary education, presents no total efficient achievement and test-oriented education is wide spread. Thus, changing traditional educational concepts is vital to implementing quality education in all-round way. We need new basic educational concepts as follows: educating as principal; facing the whole; learning all life; all-round development.
Journal of Hengshui Normal College