座舱显示器上的环境光动态变化特征由两个因素决定 ,其一是飞行器的运动姿态 ,如机动动作姿态、飞行高度、飞行速度等 ,它决定了座舱环境光的亮度变化规律 ,即脉动、周期变化等 ;其二是天空光的相应参数 ,包括季节、时间、参考天空等 ,它决定了座舱环境光亮度的极值。通过对飞机的飞行姿态、天空光的分析可以得出照射在座舱显示器上的环境光亮度动态模型 ,从而为显示器的自动调光系统的研究奠定基础。
The dynamic characteristic of the bright showing on the cockpit display is decided by two factors. The first of all is the plane's moving pose, such as flying track, height, velocity, etc.,those determine the regular pattern of the bright in cockpit; The another is concern of sky's parameters, such as season, time, reference sky, etc., those determine the extreme values of bright. By analyzing the two factors, we may deduce the dynamic model of the background luminance in cockpit display, which is beneficial to researching on auto dimming for cockpit display.
China Illuminating Engineering Journal