对育成的带野败质粳型广亲和不育系 0 2 4 2 8A和热研 1号A在粳不籼恢配组中的若干问题作了研究。结果表明 ,这两个不育系尚存在柱头外露率低、花时相对落后等问题。通过调整播种期 ,使父、母本的花期适当推迟 ,可使籼粳双亲花时重叠期延长 ,结合人工辅助授粉 ,粳不籼恢配组的结实率可达 4 0 %左右。将 0 2 4 2 8A、热研 1号A与多种籼型父本测配 ,发现其不育系的恢保关系已发生变化 ,籼稻野败型的强恢复系密阳 4 6、IR2 6对其仅表现部分恢复 ,而广亲和恢复系H10 8可完全恢复其育性。
Two japonica wide compatible CMS lines 02428A and Reyan 1A with wild abortive cytoplasm are breeded by succession backcrossing method. There are still some problems of the two lines such as the low rate of stigma exsersion and the late peak of flowering. Comparing the two CMS lines,it is discovered that the peak flowering stage of Reyan 1A with thin and long spikelets is earlier than 02428A with thick and round spikelets. While postponing the two parents flowering stage by sowing late, the degree of overlapping flowering peak time of the japonica CMS line and indica restoring line is improved. Combining with assistant pollening, the grain setting rate of spikelets in japonica/indica type can exceed 40 percent. In addition, the test crossing experiment using the two CMS lines with 5 indica lines reveals that the restorability of the new wide compatible CMS line has been changed.
Acta Agriculturae Zhejiangensis