在分析了当今制造企业对工艺知识资源服务与管理的迫切需求的基础上 ,提出了基于Web的工艺知识资源服务与管理系统 .该系统面向企业内部网 (Intranet) ,包括前台工艺知识资源服务系统和后台工艺知识资源管理系统两部分 ,前台系统为制造企业内部人员提供知识检索服务 ,后台系统作为工艺知识管理工具和前台的动态维护工具 .
By analyzing the imperious need for process knowledge service and management in modern manufacturing enterprises, this paper presents a web\|based process knowledge service and management system. The system consists of two web\|based systems: the front process knowledge service system and the back process knowledge management system. The front system provides knowledge retrieval service for people in the manufacturing enterprises over the Intranet. The back system functions as process knowledge management tools and dynamic support tools for the front system. In the paper, the structure and functions of both systems are addressed, and the techniques such as ASP, W/S structure etc. to develop the system are discussed.
Group Technology & Production Modernization
国家 8 63项目 (2 0 0 1AA41 2 1 30 )