目的 :比较不同处理方式对衔铁性能的影响 ,为临床应用磁性附着体提供参考。方法 :Z 3型磁性附着体 18只随机分为 3组。以钴铬合金作为覆盖牙根的支撑板根帽合金高温铸接衔铁 1组 ,Nd :YAG激光焊接衔铁 1组 ,另 1组衔铁不作处理。利用万能拉伸试验机测试 3组磁性附着体的固位力 ,采用粗糙度仪测量 3组衔铁表面光洁度 ,并分别进行比较。结果 :应用激光焊接式衔铁与应用铸接式衔铁的磁性附着体固位力无差别 ,但比衔铁未作处理的磁性附着体的固位力略小。铸接式衔铁表面在粗糙度仪下可见点状缺陷 ,表面光洁度低于激光焊接式衔铁表面光洁度。结论
objective: To study the properties of keepers treated with different methods. Methods: Eighteen Z 3 magnetic attachments were divided into three groups at random. Cobalt chromium alloy was used for root cap. The keepers in the first group were cast to the caps, those in the second group were welded to the caps by Nd:YAG laser welding apparatus. Keepers in the third group were untreated. Universal testing machine was adopted to measure the breakaway retention of the attachments. The roughness of keeper surfaces was measured by roughness tester. Results: No statistical difference was observed as to the breakaway retention between magnetic attachments and laser welded coping keeper or between those and cast coping keepers. But retention of the keepers in the two groups was slightly lower than that of untreated keepers. Defects of pits were found on the surfaces of the cast coping keepers. The surface smoothness of the cast coping keepers was inferior to that of the laser welded coping keepers. Conclusion: Laser welded keepers and cast coping keepers can meet clinical demands for the use of magnetic attachments.
Journal of Practical Stomatology