面对激烈的全球化市场竞争 ,供应链工作流管理需要较强的柔性和很好的敏捷性。过程管理在供应链工作流管理中起着重要的作用。然而 ,传统的过程管理已不能适应供应链工作流过程运行于动态、分步、异构的环境中的要求 ,而面向过程的动态协同管理是供应链工作流管理的一种新的模式。本文在探讨过程管理模式的基础上 ,给出了一个基于多agent技术的供应链工作流过程管理框架和工作流过程管理模型 ,并通过企业订购过程实例 ,运用工作流技术及agent技术 ,对供应链工作流进行过程控制及重组 ,实时地协调、管理供应链上的业务活动 ,为实现动态集成的供应链工作流过程管理提供了一个新的方法和技术手段。
In order to meet increased level of competition, the business supply chain process requires high flexibility and good agility. From workflow management perspective, process management in supply chain plays an important role in achieving reducing lead-time and cost-effective operations. However, the conventional process management for supply chain workflow is hardly used to handle processes with tasks separated by enterprise boundaries. For this reason, the goal-driven management that supports timely workflow process fits into the inter-enterprise process management. Along the way, this paper proposes a framework and a model for dynamic supply chain workflow process management using multi-agents technology. In the framework, multi agents are designed to handle process tasks. Finally, a modeling manner of workflow process using an example scenario is discussed,such that coordinating various activities on the supply chain can be greatly improved and workflow processes can be fully executed from management and technology perspective.
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