
降低砷净液除钴的锌粉消耗 被引量:1

Zinc Powder Consumption Decrease in Cobalt Removal from Zinc Leaching Solution with Arsenic Oxide
摘要 采用单因素条件试验研究砷净液除钴工艺中返渣的利用、铜离子加入量和净化pH值等因素对净化效果的影响。结果表明 ,将第二、三段净液渣返回第一段净液能大幅度降低锌粉消耗。在 70℃ ,搅拌速度 2 0 0r/min ,加入碱溶砒霜 10 0mg/L ,Cu2 +加入量 2 0mg/L ,除钴pH4 5和返渣条件下 ,除钴后液残钴浓度低于 0 75mg/L ,一段净液锌粉消耗降低 5 0 %。 The effects of the recycling residue, the concentration of Cu 2+ in solution and pH on the cobalt removal processes from the zinc neutral leaching solution are investigated with the single factor experiments. The consumption of zinc powder can be remarkably decreased by the recycle of the residue. Under the condition of residue recycling, 2g/L zinc powder dosage, temperature 70℃, stirring rate 200r/min, addition of Cu 2+ 20 mg/L and arsenic oxide 100mg/L, and pH of zinc sulfate solution 4 5, the concentration of Co 2+ can be less than 0 75mg/L in the purified solution. The consumption of zinc powder in the first stage purification is reduced by 50%.
出处 《有色金属》 CSCD 2003年第1期90-91,95,共3页 Nonferrous Metals
关键词 冶金技术 锌粉消耗 返渣 湿法炼锌 除钴 metallurgical technology zinc powder consumption recycling residue hydrometallurgy of zinc cobalt removal
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