目的 :探讨放射治疗与羟基喜树碱 (HCPT)合用对中晚期食管癌的治疗效果及不良反应。方法 :从 1999年 11月~ 2 0 0 1年 8月 ,对 4 6例中晚期食管癌患者随机分为两组 ,一组行单纯放疗 ,另一组放疗并用HCPT ,治疗结束后 ,根据食管癌放疗后X线诊断标准分级 ,比较两组疗效 ,并按WHO制订的药物毒性标准比较两组毒副反应。结果 :单纯放疗组食管片示Ⅰ级为 2 1 77% ,而综合治疗组Ⅰ级为 5 6 5 2 % ,经统计学处理 (P <0 0 5 ) ,组间有显著性差异 ,毒副作用两组无统计学意义。结论 :放疗同时合并使用HCPT对中晚期食管癌的治疗价值具有协同作用 ,且不增加毒副反应 ,显示出较好的近期疗效。
Objective:To explore the efficacy and s ide effect of radiotherapy combined with HCPT in the treatment of advanced esoph agus carcinoma.Methods:From November 1999 to August 2001, 46 cases of e sophagus carcinoma were radomly allocated into two groups. One group received r adiotherapy alone, the other group received radiotheapy combined with HCPT. Af ter the treatment, Studying the efficacy and side effect between the two groups .Results:Grade I was 21 77% in single radiotherapy group and 56 52% in complex one. There was significant difference between two group s ( P <0 05). The side effect between two groups was not significantly impr oved.Conclusion:Radiotherapy combined with HCPT is effective a nd well tolerant. It is to give further study in clinical research.
Chinese Clinical Oncology