在关于文明冲突论的争论中 ,许多批评者曲解了亨廷顿的本意。批评者的误区主要在于 :制造了文明和国家、价值和利益的简单对立 ;混淆了冲突的根源与冲突的结果 ;对文明和普世性文明的语义使用混乱。批评者往往忽视亨廷顿一生学术思想的连续性。界定其连续性的核心是反理性选择理论和保守现实主义 ,这是理解文明冲突论的钥匙。“9·11”之后 ,亨廷顿延续和发展了文明冲突论的主要内涵 ,并强化了反理性选择和保守现实主义的政策取向。
Many of Huntington's critics have misinterpreted the true meaning of The Clash of Civilizations. These critics put civilization and state and values and interests in sharp opposition, confusing the origins of the clash with the outcome of the clash and misusing the terms civilization and universalism. The critics often neglect the cohesiveness and consistency of Huntington's argument which is deeply rooted in his writings. The core of his argument is his anti-rational choice theory and his conservative realism, which are key to an understanding of The Clash of Civilizations. After September 11, Huntington has extended the major argument in his The Clash of Civilizations and has strengthened the policy orientation based on his anti-rational choice theory and conservative realism.
World Economics and Politics