研究了超声场分布、超声时间和超声功率对锆溶胶粒径分布的影响,还表征了超声场分散溶胶所制的非担载膜的性能。实验结果表明:扩散场处理的溶胶粒径分布比驻波场处理的溶胶粒径分布略窄;提高超声功率有助于减小溶胶粒径,超声时间的增加,溶胶粒径逐渐减小,且超声处理过的溶胶稳定性得到提高;超声处理的溶胶和未超声处理的溶胶所制得的非担载膜最可几孔径均为4 nm,但前者的比表面积和孔体积略有下降。
Zirconium sols which are prepared for membranes were synthesized by ultiasonic treatment. The results showed that the stability of sol could be improved with ultrasonic treatment, the particle size distributions of sol under diffusion field is narrower than that of standing wave field,and the sol particle size decreased as the ultrasonic power increased. The specific surface area and the total pore volume of membrane prepared from the sol treated by ultrasonic was slight smaller than that of membrane from the sol without ultrasonic treatment, however, the most probable pore diameters of the membranes prepared from the sol with ultrasonic treatment were about 4nm.
Journal of Nanjing Tech University(Natural Science Edition)