
一种改进的TCP稳态流吞吐量模型及其性能分析 被引量:2

An adapted model for TCP steady state throughput and its performance analysis
摘要 根据对Internet上TCP稳态数据流的实测分析,在Padhye模型的基础上,本文提出了一种改进的TCP稳态数据流模型。该模型不仅考虑了三次重复应答和超时事件对TCU稳态流吞吐量的影响,而且还充分考虑了超时后慢启动过程的影响。文中给出了改进模型与实测结果的分析比较,表明改进的模型能更好地预测实际TCP数据流的吞吐量性能。最后,本文还分析了模型的几个主要参数对TCP吞吐量性能的影响。 Based on the statistical data of TCP flow measurements and the TCP throughput model of Padhye, in this paper, we propose an improved analytical model of TCP steady state throughput. This model considers not only the effects of triple acknologements and timeouts, but also the impact of slow start periods after timeouts. We present the comparison of results of the model with the live Internet measurements. It shows that our model can predict the throughput of TCP steady state flows more precisely. Finally, we also investigate the effects of several parameters of the model to the performance of TCP throughput.
出处 《通信学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2003年第1期52-59,共8页 Journal on Communications
基金 上海市教委重点学科基金资助项目(B991701) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(90207021)
关键词 传输控制协议 拥塞控制 吞吐量 TCP 稳态数据流模型 TCP congestion control throughput
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