L otus Domino/ Notes具有强大而灵活的复合文档数据库 ,丰富的应用开发环境 ,完备的 Email系统以及与 Internet/ Intranet的无缝集成等优点 ,而它的人机界面设计没有 VB,Delphi等工具丰富直观 ,往往导致用户非议。在人机界面设计中 ,遵循人机界面设计的普遍方法 ,利用科学的设计方法 ,色彩搭配原理以及反馈原则、最小工作原则、默认值原则、一致性原则等人机界面设计原则 ,在人机界面设计方面并非强项的 L otus Domino/
Lotus Domino/Notes is a programming language with many merits. There are complex document databases, an abundant application development environment, a self contained E mail system , an integration about Internet/Intranet in Lotus Domino/Notes. But it is no more straight in designing IHC (Interface Between Human and Computer) than VB and Delphi programming languages. This is the reason that it is criticized by users . Abide by scientific methods, handle flexibly theories of color tone , and keep to some principles of feed back, minimal work, default and aconsistency in designing IHC, and you will design a friendly IHC based upon Lotus Domino/Notes. Here, according to the project about NanYouTeLi telecommunication Technology Corporation's Management Information System, based upon Lotus Domino/Notes, the design and practice of IHC in the light of those methods, theories and principles will be introduced.
Journal of Guilin Institute of Electronic Technology
广西教育科学"十五"规划课题 (2 0 0 1C0 3 8)