As an important variant of Relier's default logic, Poole (1988) developed a nonmonotonic reasoning framework in the classical first-order language. Brewka and Nebel extended Poole's approach in order to enable a representation of priorities between defaults. In this paper a general framework for default reasoning is presented, which can be viewed as a generalization of the three approaches above. It is proved that the syntax-independent default reasoning in this framework is identical to the general belief revision operation introduced by Zhang et al. (1997). This result provides a solution to the problem whether there is a correspondence between belief revision and default logic for the infinite case. As a by-product, an answer to the question, raised by Mankinson and Gardenfors (1991), is also given about whether there is a counterpart contraction in nonmonotonic logic.
As an important variant of Relier's default logic, Poole (1988) developed a nonmonotonic reasoning framework in the classical first-order language. Brewka and Nebel extended Poole's approach in order to enable a representation of priorities between defaults. In this paper a general framework for default reasoning is presented, which can be viewed as a generalization of the three approaches above. It is proved that the syntax-independent default reasoning in this framework is identical to the general belief revision operation introduced by Zhang et al. (1997). This result provides a solution to the problem whether there is a correspondence between belief revision and default logic for the infinite case. As a by-product, an answer to the question, raised by Mankinson and Gardenfors (1991), is also given about whether there is a counterpart contraction in nonmonotonic logic.
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.69785004) and the Science and Technology Fundin