
搅拌摩擦焊工艺探索与研究 被引量:11

Study of Friction Stir Welding Process
摘要 对铝合金薄板的对接、角接及圆筒纵缝进行了搅拌摩擦焊工艺实验.实验结果表明:搅拌焊头的结构形状、旋转速度及焊接速度是决定搅拌摩擦焊焊缝成型及接头组织、性能的重要因素。 The welding of butt joints of aluminum alloy sheet were conducted with Friction Stir Welding technique. The experimental results show that good welding quality, including the appearance, microstructure and mechanical properties of the welds can be achieved by the proper design of the welding tool and the rotating and welding speeds.
出处 《大连铁道学院学报》 2002年第4期67-70,共4页 Journal of Dalian Railway Institute
关键词 搅拌摩擦焊工艺 铝合金 固相连接技术 焊缝质量 Friction stir welding aluminum alloys solid phase joining technique
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