从弹性力学的板壳理论出发,对不同参数的凸型板结构形变膜受压后的应力分布作了近似计算,为高线性度SOI压力传感器的芯片设计提供了理论指导。用BESOI技术研制的凸型板结构集成压力传感器的非线性度达0 09%,样品灵敏度的实测值与应力计算理论值的差别约17%。
The stress distribution on the convex plate of different sizes under uniform pressure was calculated approximately by plate-shell theory of elastic-mechanics.It could provide a theoretical guide for chip design of high linearity pressure sensor. A BESOI pressure sensor with un-linearity of 009% was prepared on a convex beam,the difference of the output sensitivity between theoretical calculation and the measurement result was about 17%.
Journal of Jiangsu Institute of Petrochemical Technology