目的 观察兔膀胱出口部分梗阻后逼尿肌细胞超微结构的改变。 方法 建立雄性兔膀胱出口部分梗阻动物模型 ,利用透射电镜观察其逼尿肌细胞内超微结构 ,应用ImagineTool图像分析软件检测粗面内质网面积和线粒体密度。 结果 梗阻组逼尿肌细胞内单位面积平均 1 1 5 .2 8μm2 ,胞质中粗面内质网面积 (5 .377± 2 .31 8) μm2 ,较对照组的 (0 .476± 0 .31 9) μm2 明显扩大 ;线粒体相对密度为 1 .0 2 7± 0 .0 64 ,较对照组的 0 .830± 0 .0 58明显下降 ,P均 <0 .0 1。 结论 膀胱出口部分梗阻后逼尿肌细胞内质网扩张 ,提示其合成蛋白质功能增强 ,从而引起膀胱壁增厚 ;而线粒体水肿明显 ,密度下降 ,提示逼尿肌细胞能量代谢障碍 。
Objective To observe the ultrastructure changes of detrusor of urinary bladder following partial outlet obstruction. Methods 14 New Zealand white male rabbits were divided into 'A' and 'B' group.The 'A' group rabbits underwent operation to induce bladder outlet obstruction,'B' group rabbits served as controls.The ultrastructures including rough endoplactmic reticulum and mitochondrion of detrusor cell of each bladder were examined after 5 weeks. Results The average area of rough endoplactmic reticulum in the obstructed group was (5.377±2.318) μm 2 in each unit cytoplasm area (115.28 μm 2) versus (0.476±0.319) μm 2 in the controls ( P <0.01). The relative density of mitochondrion was 1.027±0.064 in the obstructed group versus 0.830±0.058 in the controls. Conclusions The area of rough endoplactmic reticulum enlarged obviously in the obstructed group,indicating the increased function of its protein synthesis.The mitochondrion was obviously edematous in the obstructed group because of its dysfunction in metabolism.
Chinese Journal of Urology