Experience in many parts of the developing world has shown that food fortification offers a cost_effective and sustainable solution to the problem of micronutrient malnutrition. Building on the advances in science and technology and backed by studies on the economic benefits of fortification programs, governments and industry are beginning to respond positively to the call of nutrition advocates to adopt fortification as a long_term strategy. On the other hand, formidable challenges still remain in many countries in Asia, constraining the widespread adoption of this strategy. The science and technology community needs to provide adequate scientific and technological information as basis for planning and decision making. The government faces the challenge of providing the enabling environment for all stakeholders to cooperate in the fortification effort. Industry faces the challenge of adapting its production system to the requirements of fortification in order that they can contribute to social objectives while pursuing their economic objectives. The international and bilateral aid agencies need to seek tried and innovative ways to support the multiple players of food fortification, as these players in turn face the challenges that confront them.
Experience in many parts of the developing world has shown that food fortification offers a cost_effective and sustainable solution to the problem of micronutrient malnutrition. Building on the advances in science and technology and backed by studies on the economic benefits of fortification programs, governments and industry are beginning to respond positively to the call of nutrition advocates to adopt fortification as a long_term strategy. On the other hand, formidable challenges still remain in many countries in Asia, constraining the widespread adoption of this strategy. The science and technology community needs to provide adequate scientific and technological information as basis for planning and decision making. The government faces the challenge of providing the enabling environment for all stakeholders to cooperate in the fortification effort. Industry faces the challenge of adapting its production system to the requirements of fortification in order that they can contribute to social objectives while pursuing their economic objectives. The international and bilateral aid agencies need to seek tried and innovative ways to support the multiple players of food fortification, as these players in turn face the challenges that confront them.