目的 : 研究银屑病HLA -A2 6等位基因与环境危险因素之间的交互作用。方法 : 采用病例对照研究方法 ,调查 190例银屑病患者及同一地区的健康对照 191例 ,用多聚酶链反应 -序列特异性引物 (PCR -SSP)方法进行HLA -A2 6等位基因检测 ,对银屑病的环境危险因素及与HLA -A2 6等位基因间交互作用进行研究。结果 : (1)受潮、感染、外伤、嗜酒、吸烟、食鱼虾、药物和精神紧张均为银屑病的环境危险因素。 (2 )与正常对照组相比 ,HLA -A2 6等位基因与银屑病呈显著正相关 (P <0 .0 0 0 1)。(3 )HLA -A2 6等位基因与受潮、嗜酒和食鱼虾存在显著交互作用。结论 : HLA -A2 6等位基因似能增加受潮。
Objective:To study the interaction between HLA-A26 allele and environmental risk factors in psoriasis.Methods: A case-control study was designed. One hundred and ninety psoriatic patients and 191 healthy people were investigated. The HLA-A26 allele was examined by PCR-SSP. Results: (1) Moisture, infection, smoking, drinking, eating fish and shrimp, consumption of drugs and stress were the environmental risk factors in psoriasis. (2) The HLA-A26 allele was associated with psoriasis. (3) An interaction was found between HLA-A26 allele and moisture, drinking and eating fish and shrimp. Conclusion : The HLA-A26 allele increases the liability of patients to the moisture, drinking, and eating fish and shrimp in psoriasis.
China Journal of Leprosy and Skin Diseases