利用 NOAA/ AVHRR资料监测的洪涝区域显示图 ,通过文件格式的转换 ,在地理信息系统 Arc View3.1平台上 ,进行基于地理信息系统洪涝区内各类下垫面面积评估。主要技术包括 :用边缘检测法进行洪涝区域的识别 ;麦卡托投影经纬度坐标转换成高斯—克吕格投影公里网格坐标 ;阐述写 Shapefile文件的注意问题。并以1 995年 8月 4日辽宁洪涝灾害为例进行了说明。
The image files of regional flooded area obtained by NOAA/AVHRR are transformed into a desk geographical information system (ArcView3.1), so that the covering types and area of flooded surface can be estimated with the aid of the Geography Information System(GIS).The main techniques used are as follows:the method of border test is used to recognize the flooded area in the BMP images;the coordinates of longitude and latitude in marctor projection are transformed into the coordinates of kilometer grid in Gauss-Laguerre projection;the key writing techniques of Shapefile is described in an example of the flood in Liaoning Province in August 4,1995.
Journal of Nanjing Institute of Meteorology