简要介绍了我国最大的废弃排放物粉煤灰 (FA)在橡胶中的应用情况 ,通过对一些科研单位的研究结果的详尽分析 ,并结合自身的科研数据 ,指出FA通过适当的处理是可以在橡胶制品中全部代替碳酸钙 (CaCO3) ,而活化的FA与部分碳黑 (如中超耐磨碳黑ISAF)并用也能达到半补强碳黑 (SRF)的实际应用水平 ,一种以FA为基材制得的新型橡胶补强剂 (XRF)可全部等量代替SRF用于各种常规及半常规橡胶制品中。
The application of the largest rejected waste,flyash(FA)in rubber was given a brief introduction.Through the detailed analysis of the findings by some scientific and research institutions ,and combining with our own scientific data,it is indicated that FA can wholly substitute CaCO 3 in rubber products after proper treatment,and activated FA and part of carbon black when used together can be equivalent to semi strengthening carbon black (such as mid super anti abrasion carbon ISAF).A new rubber strengthening agent(XRF)based on FA can wholly and equally substitutc SRF and can be used in all kinds of regular and semi regular rubber products.
China Elastomerics