基本纲领的实现是实现最高纲领的重要步骤 ,新社会阶层是实现初级阶段基本纲领的必然产物和必要条件。新社会阶层与其他社会阶层在具体经济关系中的利益密不可分 ,不能离开具体社会历史条件来谈诸如劳资利益对立的问题。新社会阶层具有开放性 ,开放性孕含着机会均等性 ,机会均等性使每个社会成员都有转换成新社会阶层构成成员的可能。
The new stratum is the necessary outcome and requirement that carries out the basic creed of primary phases,and it is the important approach of realizing tiptop creed that the basis creed be carried out.The interest of the new stratum and that of other strata in the concrete economic relations is very close and cannot be separated.It can't be off concrete historic condition to talk about the antinomy on interests of worker and bourgeoisie.The new stratum is provided with opening characteristics and opening characteristics contain characteristics of opportunity equalization.The opportunity equalization is likely to make everyone in society change himself to a member of the new stratum.The contradiction and difference between the new stratum and other strata can be settled by adjustable ways.
Journal of Wuhan University of Technology:Social Sciences Edition