扶贫帮困 ,是中华民族的传统美德。文章坚持一切从实际出发的科学态度 ,通过对回龙村 70多天的深入、扎实的调查 ,在掌握第一手材料的基础上 ,再对大量的事实、数据进行分析、研究 ,找出了制约回龙社会、经济发展的各种因素 ,并对学校如何制定、组织实施扶贫计划提出了建议。
Aid of poverty is a traditional virtue of Chinese. Based on the facts and scientific attitudes, the author has made a thorough survey to Hui Long Village for over 70 days and obtained the first-hand materials and large quantities of facts,data. This essay analyses the various factors which limit the development of Hui Long Village's society and economics and gives some advice on how to make a plan for the aid of poverty and how to carry it out.
Journal of Wenshan Teachers College