十月革命开创了世界历史的新纪元。从克利姆林宫传出来的马克思主义 ,对亚、非、拉人民是一个有力的号召。李大钊、陈独秀对马克思主义 ,特别是马克思主义哲学中的历史唯物主义给予高度重视和热情宣传 ,为马克思主义在中国的传播 ,为中国共产党的创建做出了巨大贡献。
The October Revolution ushered in a new epoch in human history. Marxism, spread out from Russia, was a powerful appeal to the people in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Li Da-zhao and Chen Du-xiu attached much importance to and warmly spread Marxism, especially the historical materialism in Marxist philosophy. They made great contribution to the spreading of Marxism in China and to the establishment of the Communist Party of China.
The Northern Forum