哈姆雷特 ,一个充满“爱”的人文主义者 ,饱含激情地回到丹麦 ,却被冷落的社会现实惊醒 ,父亲暴亡 ,叔父篡位 ,母亲那双送葬的鞋子还未穿旧 ,就匆匆改嫁 ,心爱的人充当了敌人的工具 ,昔日的朋友成了奸王的密探和帮凶 ,朝廷里事事有阴谋。“爱”的理想遭到残酷的现实的的催残 ,引起了他对现实的失望、怀疑、忧郁和愤懑。痛定思痛后 ,他毅然承担起“重整乾坤的责任” ,充分表现出他的人文主义思想的进步性 ,显示出资产阶级为了实现自己的意志与封建阶级的斗争精神。
Hamlet, a warm-blooded humanist, returned to Denmark with all his heart, only to be shocked to sobriety by the cruel reality of the society. Father had died suddenly; his uncle usurped the throne; Mother remarried shortly after his father's death; his beloved became his enemy's tool; former friend became the wicked emperor's spy and accomplice. The royal court was licentious. The ideal love was destroyed by the cruel society. He felt disappointed, doubtful, depressed and sad to the reality. This showed the progressiveness of his humanistic thinking, and fight against feudalism. This dissertation will expound into Hamlet's contradiction and progressiveness.
The Northern Forum