重生贵生、生死必然和生死气化是儒、道两家生死哲学的共同观点。但在生死态度上 ,儒家重在乐生哀死 ,道家重在苦生乐死 ;在生死价值上 ,儒家重在伦理 ,道家重在自然 ;在生死超越上 ,儒家重在创造三不朽 。
Both the Confuciants and the Taoists regarded life as valuable, life and death as inexorable and gasification. However, about the attitude to life and death, the Confuciants considered life as happy and death as sorrow, but the Taoists considered life as pain and death as pleasant; about the value of life and death, the Confuciants laid particular emphasis on the ethics but the Taoists on the nature; about the surpass from life and death, the Confuciants advocated efforts before death but the Taoists embodying Tao.
Journal of Zhoukou Normal University