学科建设是高校建设的核心内容之一 ,建设一批质量一流、效益显著、布局合理的学科点是高校学科建设的重要目标之一 ,是培养高质量人才、产出高水平成果的重要保证 ,也是衡量一所学校学术水平和知名度的标志。本文对我校学科点历史与现状进行了分析 ,并结合当前学科点建设与发展中遇到的问题 。
The development of a number of first class academic programs is a major task in the building of a university, a key indicator of the university's strengths, and the guarantee of its research productivity and training of high caliber people. This article presents a brief analysis of the history and present situation of academic programs at USTC, and offers some reflections on certain issues related to the development of such programs.
Education and Modernization