人的精神世界由认知、情感、意志三部分构成 ,且三者相互联系 ,相互影响。长期以来 ,教育界存在的片面重视智力教育 ,轻视情感、意志培养 ;重知识传授 ,轻认知能力培养的现象 ,正是我国教育的缺失。本文重点阐述了情感、意志教育对智力教育、对人的全面发展以及人类社会的可持续发展的重要意义。因此 ,应对受教育者在认知、情感。
A person's cognizant capacity, emotion and willpower are inter related. However, there have long been some deficiencies in China's education programs that emphasize intellectual development while neglecting the cultivation of emotion and willpower, and stress the dissemination of knowledge while neglecting the development of cognizant capacity. This paper discusses the significance of the cultivation of emotion and willpower to a person's intellectual and overall development, and to society's sustainable development. It calls for all around cultivation of cognizant capacity, emotion and willpower.
Education and Modernization