利用活性炭 -膜技术 ,将高锰酸盐指数降至 0 .5mg/L左右 ,A2 54降至 0 .0 1以下 ,总有机碳质量浓度 ρTOC 降至 70 0 μg/L左右 ;对试验水质 ,ESNA1纳滤膜和ESPA2反渗透膜对电导率、总溶解固体和总碱度的去除率在 70 %左右 ,总硬度去除率在 90 %左右 ,二价离子的去除率为 90 %以上 ,一价离子的去除率为 70 %左右 ;回收率加大 ,去除率略有升高 ,ESPA2膜去除无机离子的能力高于ESNA1;2种膜出水生物可同化有机碳值分别为 6 0 μg/L和 4 7μg/L 。
Using Activated Carbon process and Membrane technology together, Permanganate Index was cut off to below 0.5 mg/L, A 254 was lowered to 0.01 below,the TOC of the effluent was about 700 μg/L. 70 % of the conductance ratio, TDS and total alkalinity was removed by the NF and RO. 90 % of the total hardness was removed. 90 % of the di valence and 70 % of the mono valence ion were removed. More recovery ratio, more removal ratio. The removal ability of the ESPA2 RO membrane is better than that of the ESNA1 NF membrane. The AOC of the effluent of the two kinds of membrane was 60 and 47 μg/L, which suggested that the biological stability is fairly good.
Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology