:采用优化方法对高速线材轧机的孔型系统进行轧制负荷均衡的优化设计 ,使轧机负荷达到相对均衡 ,保证正常轧制。该优化设计软件 ,功能齐全 ,操做方便 ,具有与windows界面一致的可视化操做界面 ,VB语言AutoCAD结合增强了软件绘图功能。
The paper introduces on optrimal pass design of balance load in high speed wire mill by optimal method.The load of mill reached relatively balance,and the mills can roll normally.The optimal desigh software has complete function,and is convenient to operate.It has a platform agreed with the one of windows.The software has better drawing function by VB language combined with Auto CAD.It provided a new method that can guide in enacting optimal rolling schedule and choosing the optimal roll-pass design parameters to the practical produclion.
Journal of Hebei Institute of Technology