
安庆市1997~2001年乡级常规免疫接种率报告评价 被引量:2

Evaluation on Reporting System of Routine Immunization Rate at Township Level in Anqing City during 1997-2001.
摘要 为分析乡级常规免疫接种率报告工作存在的问题 ,提高报告质量 ,我们利用EPIinfo 6 .0 4软件编程对全市乡级常规免疫接种率报告情况进行了分析。结果表明 ,自 1997到 2 0 0 1年期间 ,全市乡级单位报告率由 80 .4 4 %上升到 95 .0 3% ;及时报告率由 4 5 .5 4 %上升到 90 .5 1% ;年报告 6次及以上的乡级单位由 4 3.4 4 %上升到 2 0 0 1年的 99.12 %。监测系统的质量逐年提高 ,报告数据应种人数与实种人数相等率由 2 4 .75 %下降到 4 .75 % ;报告数据逻辑不符率由 11.92 %下降到 3.2 6 % ;核查 1999~ 2 0 0 1年 93个乡镇的乡报表 ,应种人数相符率由 2 3.5 3%上升到 72 .73% ,实种人数相符率 2 0 0 1年达 81.82 %。分析影响常规接种率报告质量的因素 ,认为实施常规接种率报告的计算机管理 ,加强对常规接种率报告工作的监督指导 ,提高乡级报告人员的工作责任心和业务素质是提高常规接种率报告质量的关键。 To find out the problems of the reporting system of routine immunization rate and improve quality of surveillance, we evaluated the reporting system of routine immunization rate at township level in whole Anqing with EPI info 6.04. The results showed that the reporting rate of routine immunization at township level increased from 80.44% to 95.03%. The timely reporting rate at township level increased from 45.54% to 90.51%. The rate of reporting over 6 times annually increased from 43.44% to 99.12% during 1997-2001. The quality of the reporting system was improving year by year. The rate of equality between the number of children targeted and the number of children immunized in the routine reports at township level descended from 24.75% to 4.75%. The rate of logical unconformity of the reporting data descended from 11.92% to 3.26%. In the report forms of 93 townships from 1999 to 2001 checked, the rate of conformity to the number of children targeted increased from 23.53% to 72.73% and the rate of conformity to the number of children immunized was 81.8% in 2001. The factors influencing the quality of the routine immunization reporting were analyzed. The keys improving the quality of the reporting system are carrying out managing the reporting system of routine immunization rate with computer, reinforcing supervision on the reporting of routine immunization rate and improving responsibility and professional knowledge of township health staff. Authors′address Center of Anqing Disease Prevention and Control, Anqing, Anhui Province, P.R. China.
作者 曹玲生
出处 《中国卫生事业管理》 2003年第2期118-119,共2页 Chinese Health Service Management
关键词 安庆市 报告质量 乡级常规免疫接种率 报告评价 Routine immunization rate Township level EvaluationRoutine immunization rate Township level Evaluation[
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