目的 测定一定量的 30 %脂肪乳剂与血液混合后的异氟醚血 /气 (B/G)分配系数 ,观察血中含有不同浓度的 30 %脂肪乳剂后异氟醚B/G的变化。方法 (1)选择 18例接受择期心脏手术的病人 ,静脉诱导后采集桡动脉血 2 0ml,用微量加样器分别配成含 4 %、2 %、1%、0 5 %及 0 2 5 %(Vol/Vol% )的 30 %脂肪乳剂与血的混合液。 (2 )用注射器 注射器二次平衡法测定 37℃、一个大气压下含不同浓度脂肪乳剂血液的异氟醚B/G。结果 异氟醚对含 4 %、2 %、1%、0 5 %及 0 2 5 %(Vol/Vol% )的 30 %脂肪乳剂的B/G分别为 2 5 2± 0 0 8、2 0 6± 0 0 9、1 72± 0 14、1 5 8± 0 11和1 5 2± 0 0 9,同时测定的异氟醚B/G为 1 4 2± 0 0 8。结论 临床应用的 30
Objective To determine the effect of 30% intralipid on the blood/gas(B/G) partition coefficients of isoflurane.Methods Blood samples were obtained from 18 adult patients undergoing heart surgery after induction.Mixture blood and 30% intralipid with micropipette in different concentrations of intralipid:4%?2%?1%?0 5% and 0 25%(Vol/Vol%).B/Gs 30% intralipid were measured in vitro under 37℃ and at latm by syringe to syringe double equilibration method.Result B/G 30% intralipid of the mixtures containing different concentrations(4%,2%,1%,0 5%,and 0 25%Vol/Vol%) of 30% intralipid were 2 52±0 08,2 06±0 09,1 72±0 14,1 58±0 11,and 1 52±0 09 respectively.The B/G of isoflurane measured simultaneously was 1 42±0 08.Conclusion The intravenous administration of high concentration lipids(30% intralipid)will increase the B/G of isoflurane. [
Journal of Clinical Anesthesiology